Joystiq has a hilarious entry comparing the Xbox 360 to the PS3 and Revolution on Google Fight.
Googlefight takes the old concept and freshens it up with some Xiao Xiao-esque flash animations. Here’s how the next-generation consoles stack up against each other (in alphabetical order).
- Microsoft Xbox 360: about 40,100,000 results
- intendo Revolution: about 7,360,000 results*
- PlayStation 3: about 28,400,000 results
* We had to stick “Nintendo” at the beginning of “Revolution” because we got too many non-gaming search results without the Nintendo name in the search term.
From these results, one could argue that Microsoft’s Xbox 360 is winning the hype war. For now, anyway. Just remember the first rule of Googlefight. We don’t talk about Googlefight.