So, we’re living in a society that already encourages being a lazy-ass meatbag already. You’d see people working day in and day out, chained to their desks, without moving a single major muscle. So, how else do we ensure that people become fatter? Honda apparently has an idea. You see, Honda’s U3-X personal mobility prototype will ensure that you will never ever want to walk again, be it long or short distances.
Check out Gadzooki has to say:
The U3-X is a continuation of Honda’s unofficial human meat puppetry project, which started in 2008 with a set of assistive robo-legs, and will end with, well, Wall-E. Conceptually, it sits somewhere between two other historically dignified modes of transportation, the unicycle and the Segway. It supports the rider’s weight with an omnidirectional wheel, which is actually made of smaller, perpendicularly aligned wheels, and which responds to slight movements in the rider’s upper body; a shift of the shoulder in any direction eases the rider across the floor, in a surprisingly predictable and controllable way. It doesn’t feel like rolling so much as it feels like floating.
Okay, I have to admit, riding on a sort of futuristic and fully-automated cross between the Segway and a unicycle that will not let you fall off it is pretty neat. Apparently it’s the most comfortable thing to ride on, and Engadget goes as far as to say it’s a joy to ride on. I certainly hope that they don’t market it to able-bodied people though, because that thing has major potential for disabled people.