If you’ve ever owned any kind of portable device with removable storage then you will be quite familiar with the interminable wait you will have to go through when transferring large volumes of files from your memory card to your PC. If you are working in a field where constant file transfers are a necessity (for example, photography) or you are just the type who accumulates large files in your device then a fast transfer solution is what you need. How about a USB 3.0 card reader?
This is precisely what Lexar has recently developed and released to the market. The company has come out with a new card reader that discards the standard USB 2.0 with the new tech, and high-speed USB 3.0. The Lexar Professional USB 3.0 Dual Slot Reader is the answer large file hogs have been praying for. This new generation Dual Slot Reader still sports the dual slot design the first gen Reader had. This means compatibility. You can insert Secure Digital and Compact Flash cards into this baby. Of course Micro SD is also supported as long as you have the SD card adapter. The Lexar Dual Slot Reader also features a pop-up design that protects the innards from dust, which ensures accurate reading capabilities for this product.
The bump from USB 2.0 to USB 3.0 is, of course, the big development here, and the improvement is quite noticeable. Standard USB 2.0 transfer rates are only clocked at about 40MB per second. Compare it with the blazingly fast speed of 500MB per second and you’ll immediately realize that USB 3.0 is THE answer to the constant transfer of large sized files to your computer. And this is most evident when you take pictures. Larger resolution pictures translate to larger file sizes. With the standard high resolution photos now reaching 10MB in size, a reader like this one from Lexar is what is needed.