If you’ve been trying to find that rare copy of Bill Gates Quotes on the Internet, and just can’t find it anywhere, there is an e-book site that might interest you.
The site is called Wattpad.com, and it is basically a repository of e-books that is targeted for the mobile phone. It has a service for sending directly to your phone, and it even has an e-book reader you can download then send through bluetooth or usb. I have come across Lord of the Rings copies in different languages there. Harry Potter books also abound.
What I used to do when I wanted to read a text file on my phone was that I would make an e-book using BookShelf 2.1.5 then upload the .jar file to my phone’s memory card through the USB. It was simpler to use for me than TequilaCat, and produced better-looking e-books. I got quite a lot of e-books from Wattpad, then used BookShelf to make my e-books.
BookShelf e-books helped me in a lot of ways. The e-books I made saved me from boredom when my back ached so bad and I had to rest in my room, away from the desktop (pre-Sayuri days). BookShelf also helped me in school. Since I don’t like copying the lecture notes, I would just take note of what I had to study on, look for them on Wikipedia, copy and save as text, make an e-book with it, then go to school and read the notes on the jeepney. Sure saved me lots of ink and paper. 🙂
Wattpad houses so many quirky works, both personal stuff and books that notable writers have written. If you are a voracious reader, you will go crazy there.
With Wattpad and BookShelf, there will be no need for you to buy a gadget that will exclusively be for e-book reading. But if you want a wider screen. I guess they’ll be useful for you. 🙂