In these days when you can’t be sure about the safety of your family at home, it is best to install security devices. You don’t have to buy an expensive security system because there are advanced products you can use that even allow you to install them on your own. What matters is you invest in quality gadgets to protect you and your family whether you are at home or not.
An important thing to keep in mind is to always link your security devices to the police, fire department or even your neighbors. This way, you can get immediate help when an intruder or burglar sneaks into your home.
Take note that in 2013 alone, burglary cases cost some $4.5 billion in property losses according to the FBI. Majority or 74 percent of burglaries involved residential properties.
Here then are some high-tech security gadgets you should consider installing in your home.
Smart Home Locks
Advanced home locks today do not even involved the use of keys. For example, what looks like a regular front door bolt lock can now be locked or unlocked by the mere touch of a finger. It can monitor people coming in and out of the house and receive activity alerts through an app even if the owner is out of the house.
“Having a reliable and smart lock in your home makes a huge difference in deterring burglars,” according to attorney Samantha Greene, a theft lawyer in San Diego. “Some locks can be linked to a bigger security system while others can work as a standalone unit linked to a smartphone or web-enabled device,” she noted.
Home security sensors are also helpful. These are available in different types today but most are the so-called “switches” which can alert the alarm system during emergency situations.
Depending on a homeowner’s preference, there are sensors that alert you when a door or window has been opened, when someone breaks a glass or when water is present in place where it shouldn’t be. Sensors normally alert the security system prompting it to sound an alarm, send a text message or notify authorities. If linked to a camera, they can trigger it to start recording.
Wireless Cameras
Wireless stand-alone, web-enabled cameras are the trend today in home security systems. Its main advantage is it allows the homeowner to easily position the camera in any area where it can capture human activity, plug it and connect it to the home network. The latest cameras also have a magnetic and swiveling base with two-way audio, sharp night vision and a digital zoom.
For better close monitoring of your home, you can opt for cloud-based storage for a small monthly fee. This way, you can still review all the data recorded by your cameras especially when an emergency situation crops up.