I was, at “two points” in my existence, a call center lackey agent and as lackeys agents go, we are barred from viewing “fun” sites. So, to kill time and maximize productivity, I am writing my time away, while everyone else goes out to get fatter. I just lost mondo poundage, and I have no intentions of regaining those.
Now while I learned new things, like the software our team supports, I learned one gizmo that has all the bang, wham, boom! Bells and whistles galore that I never explored before… And you’ll never guess what it is…
Okay! I hate being left hanging, so I am telling you now, so that I won’t “Do unto others what I don’t want others to do unto me.” :p
It’s… Microsoft Outlook.
How geeky eh?
Well, I’ve always been the office application geek. While y’all can do the terminal, go gaga over games, can make programs, websites and all that at the drop of a mousepad, I go gaga over office/productivity applications.
Before, I would normally trash M$ Outlook from my Office Suite installations, with every installation, new or old. In fact, I found mail desktop applications so useless, that I also trashed Mail.app from Sayuri.
But I was amazed with MS Outlook the moment I got the hang of it. I liked the fact that it can integrate with a lot of the other business applications built for Windows, the fact that it also has calendar and address book functions, a notes feature, and other office app geek fascinations. But the biggest, most seductive feature that Microsoft Outlook has for me is… The fact that I can write with it, to send articles to myself, during lunch breaks, until I blabbed my “secret” to my team leader.
Apparently, what I had been doing was a security breach, so I won’t be able to do it ever again. Not that I’ll have a chance to, now (I got kicked out of the program for being too… Emotional. :p).
And yet, for all it’s worth, MS Outlook is now my new favorite Microsoft/Windows application…
Apart from MS Word, that is. 😛