Looks like Microsoft might be up to some very smart marketing tactics, or some fool just sold away his title of “One of the First”, as a wired Xbox 360 controller has been sold on eBay.
The person that sold it claims they got the controller from a game developer’s conference, but who knows. It seems though that we are all too late at our shot at the controller as it has already been sold for $91 USD. I think the person that bought it is both lucky and a foold. There is a bit of status at having something first. I know with my friends, I would love to have things before them, as it is kind of a “hey look at me”, but to pay $91 for something that will cost half that when the console comes out, let alone the fact that there is no console to use that controller on yet.
I know he can plug it into a PC, but it is still rather odd.