360Monster ran a poll a little while back asking people what Live Arcade title they bought, and the results are in, and not surprisingly, Geometry Wars came out on top.
What is far more interesting is to see where the rest of the games lined up.
1. Geometry Wars Evolved [209 votes]
2. Hexic [141 votes]
3. Bankshot Billiards 2 [107 votes]
4. Bejeweled 2 [92 votes]
5. Smash TV [84 votes]
6. Gauntlet [73 votes]
7. Mutant Storm Reloaded [64 votes]
8. Outpost Kaloki X [51 votes]
9. Wik: Fable of Souls [47 votes]
10. Joust [44 votes]
11. Hardwood Series [42 votes]
12. Robotron: 2084 [28 votes]
Total: 982 Votes
This fits in with where I would put most of these games as well, though I am surprised how low Outpost Kaloki X is, as I have enjoyed it more than Gauntlet and even the classic Smash TV.