We lucky Canadians are not experiencing the same shortages that our American counterparts are. Don’t get me wrong, we did have problems, and still do in some areas, but they are getting less and less, and now there are reports that we will be getting another shipment this weekend and again two weeks from now, it leads me to believe that we will start seeing Xbox 360’s sitting in display cases for longer than a day.
One thing to note though, is that the companies getting shipments still are not really giving out the information of how many they might be recieving. Either that information is not being passed onto staff, or they just don’t know because suppliers are still uncertain of how many they will get in a shipment. We are also getting closer and closer to weekly replenishments, and the few places I have gone in Ottawa, have had atleast one console somewhere, but you have to ask to get it as they are still not putting them in the display cases.
Good luck to those still on the hunt for an Xbox 360. Has anyone seen any Core consoles for sale in Canada because I have not seen or heard a heck of a lot about them. If anyone has a Core console, let me know what you think of it.