I recently purchased Kameo: Elements of Power from Costco, after trying out the demo a few times, and so far I have gotten snagged on a few of the puzzles, as you really have to learn what your different warriors can do. I am more of a rock-em sock-em type, and not much for puzzles. I am the worst person to put in front of a game where I am a character with a bunch of guns but have to sneak around and unlock stuff.
Kameo balances my need to beat up the enemies with finding a way through the level, and usually the puzzle structure is really simple to figure out, and so the gameplay continues forward without much frustration. I am not even half way though the game, and I can tell the difficulty is increasing as I play, which keeps the game challenging, and interesting.
The visuals to me look much better than any of the previous consoles, even on my non-high definition television, and the controls are very intuative.
I am very impressed with this game, and it is the only game thus far Sabine, my fiance, will actually play, so thumbs up there too.
Check out Kameo: Elements of Power if you haven’t already.