Xbox360Fanboy had a poll up a long time back about the television situation of Xbox 360 owners, and found a shocking 76% have a High Definition set for their gaming fun.
According to our highly scientific* poll, approximately 76% of the respondents fall into the aforementioned camp; it ain’t 90%, but an impressive number nevertheless! Add in those who plan on getting one, just not in the next six months, and that number hits 94%. With margins of error, taking the winter solstice into account, and adjusting for leap year, those numbers almost line up with what Microsoft said. Could it be, are 360 owners spoiled rotten? Are that many of us playing Geometry Wars in 1080i (or 720p, we’re flexible) 16×9 style?
*It’s opposite day. Read: unscientific.
I am currently running my Xbox 360 through an old 19″ Chromatic Space Command, with faux wood paneling.