Right now, the rips of Xbox 360 games are useless as when they are written to a DVD, the Xbox 360 can’t read them. This is most likely only temporary though as many people in many places around the world are devoting hundreds of hours to cracking the Xbox 360, to create a mod-chip for the machine that will force the machine to accept ripped game software.
From what we have been able to gather, the first mod-chips for the 360 will be available within a month. Speaking to us under terms of anonymity, one source close to the research and development of some well known current-generation chips said, “We’ve been seeing partial success from some corners [in China] though nothing that could go on sale yet.” This paints a dark picture of the console industry and the aggressive blight it suffers. “Everyone is working on a full-functioning ‘do everything’ chip that will take apart the 360 and let users do what they will, though we expect a first-generation bypass device that will allow back-ups within weeks. The first on the market is likely to be complex and might not be particularly good, though that’s just a stopgap before real chips become available.”
Source: Spong