360 Hacker has some first impressions on some Xbox 360 launch titles and says:
Kameo – Really gorgeous visuals, and addictive gameplay. When you get past the sugar-coated graphics, it’s actually a really great game with awesome puzzle/problem solving.
PGR3 – It’s Project Gotham, but prettier. If the slow cars at the beginning of PGR1 and 2 drove you nuts, you’ll be glad to know all the cars in PGR3 top over 170. Kudos!
Condemned: Criminal Origins – In my opion, the “best of show.” Seriously, this game totally caught me by suprise. Mix CSI with Resident Evil, and you’ve got Condemnded. The graphics are insane.
Need for Speed Most Wanted – Remember the old Need for Speed Hot Pursuit? Ok, forget about it, because this is a totally different game. It felt more like I was playing a game from the Burnout series than NFS.
Perfect Dark Zero – You can’t jump. But you can tumble. The game looks like it has awesome gameplay elements, and awesome graphics, but you can’t jump. Wtf?