There are days when I just wish I were Bill Gates’ (rather, Steve Jobs’) daughter. With a tricked-out setup like his, I would so be beside myself, that if I were married, I won’t be paying hubby any attention because of being absorbed in my system.
When I first saw Bill Gates’s setup on CNN Money, I chuckled to myself because I was so amused how he could need three displays just to check mail. It was only until I had experienced and realized the need to work on two computers at once that I finally reconciled myself to the fact that multiple displays have more than salivation factors. They actually bring a productivity boost that is unparalleled.
In the future, I would like to own these:
- An ultraportable Mac laptop, however they’ll name those then.
- A huge-display Mac laptop.
- An iMac.
- Two PC notebook computers.
- An ASUS eeePC.
If the Mac Pro had a realistic price and a realistic function in my life, I would love to get one. But as it is, I don’t need quad core and up to potentially 16GB of RAM. Besides, the kind of money a Mac Pro costs would best be used for my kids’ college education.
The ultraportable would be needed for working on the road. The iMac would be for the kids or as a server of sorts. The huge-display Mac lappie (a MacBook Pro if I have the money soon :p) just because I want one, one PC laptop would be for Windows, while the other would be for all the Linux distros I would want to try out (install and delete, yay!), the eeePC because I want to use a lappie on the run, and the OLPC because I want to help out its cause and have a piece of the action in the process. I sure hope Nicholas Negroponte would keep the “Give one, get one” thing open till next year.
But definitely, I would want a PC laptop in the nearest, soon-as-possible future. The ASUS eeePC can wait, possibly another year, when prices would fall. And probably December would be the best time for me to buy, because a cheap Linux-based Acer would have prices falling then, too. If only my illness didn’t make me lose as much money as I did. Wah.
On a wistful note, while other women are all for salivating on Louis Vuittons and Chanel whatevers, I go “What on earth are those?! And why on earth that price tag?!” on bags, while it would take a crowbar to pry me off a Mac Pro if I saw one.
The need for multiple displays is understandable. I just don’t know if *my* “need” for multiple computers is still within sane proportions. Maybe I’m manic? Maybe I’m addicted? All I know is, give a geek multiple displays, multiple machines, and he or she will be like a cat toying with a mouse, for months on end. Or until the first system crash or first fuse blown. Heheh.
Either way, I stay, salivating. :p
*Picture copyright of CNN Money.