While everyone was still reeling from the iPhone’s release, Microsoft had unveiled a project that is up to, or above Steve Jobs’ caliber in terms of innovativeness. Announcing, Microsoft Surface.
Apple Fangurlism aside, I reacted no more appropriately than to let my jaw drop and ignore my sprain as I write this. No self-respecting tech blog should be without this kind of tech gossip!
So while everyone drooled on the iPhone, Microsoft quietly unveiled its new baby on the 30th of May, 2007, and had their first demo on June 9th. Wow. How did that whiz right past us?
Though the targeted price is a whopping $5000-$10,000, good enough for a year’s salary for some and a semester of grad school tuition for others, still, if you think about it, most true techies would surely have to have a small cup handy to catch their drool. I think I did get a pool of drool on my trackpad when I finished the official Microsoft promo video.
What is so cool about this beautiful machine? Just plop your handy, wifi-enabled gadgets on the screen/surface, and voila, filetransfer is as easy as dragging the media to the area of your gadget. Need to pay up? You can just plop your credit card on it even.
Media browsing and sharing would really become an interpersonal thing: when you and your clique would want to sort out pictures, just drag and drop, baby! And what’s better is that there’s no need for a mouse. Just drag the photo, sort, send to gadget.. Using your fingers.
Everything is just tres cool with these new touch-screen gadgets coming out. Though I will never be able to afford a Microsoft Surface, it’s nice to know that the guys at Redmond are finally catching up. 😉