Dating has never been easy. But with the way social norms are flying all over the place these days, it can seem more complicated than ever. That’s why you need to use all of the resources at your disposal to give yourself the best chance of meeting the right person. And that means technology has to be on your side.
To help with that, consider five gadgets, apps and software tricks to help you with dating, including starting with basic search techniques, trying Tinder-style apps, creating your own pro-con dating profile, using photo apps to help you present yourself, and remembering to use spelling and grammar correctors in your profiles.
Start With Basic Searching
Right when you start wanting to join the dating pool again, look for big, recent, general guides and suggestions. There are literally thousands of these, and the information contained within them won’t always necessarily be accurate, but they’ll at least give you an idea of where to start. And, if you search for your specific attractions, you’ll have narrowed down the field in terms of tips for connecting as well.
Try a Tinder-Style App
For as much bad press as it gets, using Tinder isn’t a bad idea. It will, if nothing else, remind you that there are hundreds of people, probably within a few miles of you, that are all searching for the same types of connection as you. So don’t be afraid to join Tinder or a similar group through your mobile phone, and just be sure not to take anything personally, because it really is a digital jungle out there!
Make Your Own Pro-Con Dating Profile
Before you publish a dating profile, create you own that you can look at just as yourself. This is just a little sketch of how you view yourself, and from it, you can help yourself determine not only what you want from other people, but what other people might want from you, and how you can provide it.
Photo Apps Help With Your Presentation
You can install photo apps and then use them to help with your personal profile as well. Following good rules for taking pictures, cropping them, and then doing slight color correction will be you an advantage in presentation against people that don’t take the time to care about those details.
Use Spelling Correction!
For many people, there’s no bigger turn-off in the dating world that someone who has bad spelling or grammar. And the thing is, you don’t have to have great skills in these area – all you have to do is make sure that you use spell and grammar check on whatever program you’re using to type things out!